Happy Holidays everyone, this girl is heading home in few days, for a few weeks, so peace out!
Monday, December 14, 2009
vickery park
Sunday, December 13, 2009
in denton
On the tv they're playing some Rolling Stones concert on Vh-1. Funny since, we were just listening to the Stones in the car. We went Lakewood to see Orange Crush Peel. A band that online, reminded me of Sunny Day Real Estate. I swear their lead singer looks like Bret from Flight of the Conchords.

I see two guys walk in wearing skull caps, and sit down. I start laughing cause I suddenly think of Jay and Silent Bob. I mention this to the people, at the next table, one guy says, "That's who we were for Halloween."
...The sky was the color Elv liked best-a tender dark blue, falling to earth like ashes...
...She tried on all her ama's old clothes-black satin suits, white lace blouses, high heels, black cashmere sweaters with crystal buttons, Chanel jackets that fitted her perfectly...
...On their way they sang Beatles songs, their mother's favorites. They sang "Imagine" as high as their voices would go, then exploded into giggles...
...She quickly painted her sisters in shades of yellow, wheat, and tangerine...
...She'd been so young and stupid and so unlucky and lucky all at the same time...
..."She lives on the other side of the ocean..." "...where they speak a different language and the light is a different color every day."...
...The nature of love had totally escaped her until now. She had thought that if you lost it, you could never get it back, like a stone down a well. But it was like the water at the bottom of the well, there when you can't even see it, shifting in the dark...- The Story Sisters by Alice Hoffman
...got out my kaleidoscope. I lay on my back and looked through it all the fractured beauty. I turned the wheel slowly. Each thing I saw was so lovely I wanted to keep it, but then I would turn the wheel and there, more beauty, it would never stop...
..."I know it's trite, but isn't it really true that life is so beautiful because it's so fleeting and fragile?"...-Home Safe by Elizabeth Berg
...the circus had left town... only the saw dust and peanut shells reminded us of what used to be...
...He stared out the window for a moment, looking at the desert sunset with the mountains in the distance and the clouds all pink and gold across the sky...-Miss O'Dell by Chris O'Dell
Friday, December 4, 2009
we're on the playground
it's recess
swings, tether balls, monkey bars, & jungle gym
snow is falling
i look up to the sky
it feels like a privilege
that i can be there to witness
it falls in my upturned hands
it's cold in my open mouth
like dancing in the rain
i'm overjoyed
getting excited about something i used to hate
they go on playing
continue like it's nothing
i see inches of snow piled beneath their feet
they go on their business
snow crunching below
to the rhythm of the children's jumping and chanting
to the beat of a jump rope rhyme
in the bathroom after the shower
towel wrapped
talking or waiting for a message
there were pieces of frayed white towel lint
scattered on the floor like snowflakes
packing them into a pseudo snowball
before throwing them all away
she imagines the dark, navy, night
inky blue, purple amethyst, magenta, slate grey, all the colors in the mountains
in the distance, she sees them, in the distance, right there. in front of her
white snowflakes falling, sparkling, reflecting, colors of rainbow
remember in the morning? the untouched fallen snow. remember the crisp, chill air?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Yes, I do. Grab the camera, so I can take a picture.
I think of all those squirrel songs I used to sing with the children, but that was mostly in September. Last week we would have been singing songs about turkeys. That was a lifetime ago.
Saturday, November 28, 2009


Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
salsa dancing

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
boiler room
the night was definitely not wasted because we discovered the band redefine. with their fusion of guitars i could barely tell who was leading and who was rhythm. they were so on!
guy who knew all the lyrics, let me front row, in center. he thought it was great fun to touch the guitarist's thigh while his eyes were closed, during his solo . i was certain he thought i did it cause he was standing directly in front of me, but that would be a NO! he was playing the guitar i wanted at the guitar show. i've seen 3 local bands now play that same guitar, in that same color.
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