"It's nice to love things..."
"If ye don't be loving them too hard, If ye do...they hurt ye too much in the ind."...
..."I don't like sensible dresses much"...
..."I like something that's made better than something that's bought"...
...She was pierced by the swift exquisite pang which beauty always gave her... always would give her. It was almost anguish while it lasted... but the pang was heavenly...
..."There's hope yet."
"I'm afraid to hope. It would be so much worse when you had to stop hoping."...
..."It's perfectly thrilling... to think you can go into another county just by climbing over a fence. Somehow you expect everything to be different. I climb over it every day just to get the nice adventury feeling... it doesn't take much to give me a thrill but I think it is lucky. What would life be without a few thrills?...
..."I'm going to keep on believing in fairy rings and horseshoes over the door and witches on broomsticks... If you believe in a thing it doesn't matter whether it exists or not."...
...It was terrible to see empty places where the trees had been cut...Of course time would beautify it again. Great clumps of ferns would grow by the hacked stumps... the crooks of bracken would unfold along its desecrated paths...perhaps the wounds and scars of human life would be like that, too...
..."Sure and ye can't be going quite so near the gate av death widout it changing ye." ..."She'll never be the same again."...
..."life is so beautiful... and spring is so beautiful... how can you help dancing?... "dance while ye can...
..."I wish I could forget her...It hurts so to remember."..."If I could drink a cup of forgetfulness.
"But wud ye be doing it if ye could,..ye'd forget all the gladness along with the pain... all the fun and happiness ye had...wud ye be wanting that?"
No, she would not want that. She hugged her sweet memories to her heart...
"I've just thrown a kiss out to the wind to carry you...
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